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What are the reasons for the failure of the ceiling dehumidifier to produce moisture when it is turned on?

Time:2022/1/21 11:07:46

A ceiling dehumidifier is a device for removing moisture and drying. Ceiling dehumidifiers are increasingly used in homes and businesses as humidity becomes more common and people's demands for quality of life continue to grow. But many people will find that sometimes the ceiling dehumidifier cannot produce moisture when it is turned on? So what is this phenomenon? Next, let the editor of the ceiling dehumidifier explain it, I hope it can be helpful to everyone.

the ceiling dehumidifier

1. The current humidity is not high: the air humidity in spring and summer is not high every day, and the air humidity is also very low. If it does not rain on consecutive sunny days, the humidity of indoor air is usually 60%. If the setting is higher, then the dehumidification will not work, so it won't come out of the water.

2. The humidity setting is too high: In order to keep the ceiling dehumidifier running, we will set the humidity of the ceiling dehumidifier. The ceiling dehumidifier will not work because the operation of the ceiling dehumidifier needs to change the settings in order to meet the dehumidification requirements.

3. Compressor overprotection: This situation generally occurs in a high temperature environment, because ordinary ceiling dehumidifiers only work below the ambient temperature of 38 degrees, while the compressor stops working above 38 degrees, and the temperature is too high. Therefore, the ceiling dehumidifier will naturally not enter the water.

4. Compressor failure: This situation is mainly reflected in refrigerant leakage. This means there is very little clearance in the compressor housing, all the refrigerant will flow out, preventing water vapor from condensing into water in time, and the ceiling dehumidifier does not release water, which you can send back to the factory for repair. Or find the manufacturer to repair the air conditioner regularly, and add refrigerant to the plugging place.

5. Control board failure: The control board is defective, which makes the ceiling dehumidifier uncontrollable and makes the ceiling dehumidifier unable to work. The manufacturer is required to mail a new control board to you for replacement, or return it to the factory for replacement.

The above five points are all about the five reasons why the ceiling dehumidifier cannot produce moisture when it is turned on. Thank you for your understanding and support!