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What links should be paid attention to during the application of the rotary dehumidifier

Time:2021/8/31 14:59:30

Rotary dehumidifiers are no longer unfamiliar in daily life. In most cases such as homes, hospitals, factories, etc., in order to facilitate daily work, rotary dehumidifiers are gradually introduced, because rotary dehumidifiers have high dehumidification performance, good effects, and no harm to the air. Like all traditional machinery and equipment, rotary dehumidifiers require special attention in daily use to ensure optimal operating conditions. So what links should be paid attention to when using a rotary dehumidifier? Next, let the editor of the rotary dehumidifier explain it.

rotary dehumidifier

1. When installing the system, the regeneration exhaust pipe of the rotary dehumidifier must be insulated, the length of the pipe must not be too long, and the direction of the wind must have a slope greater than 1%.

2. In case of sudden power failure, the filter of the electric heating unit should be removed in time to prevent the impeller and the regeneration filter of the rotary dryer from catching fire.

3. In order to prevent moisture from escaping from the outlet of the rotary dehumidifier, the condensate outlet must be installed at the lower limit of the low point of the condensate, and the elbow of the water seal must be consistent with the pipe head.

4. The filter at the treatment tuyere and regeneration tuyere of the rotary dehumidifier should be cleaned 1 to 2 times a week, in particular, check for holes and replace them if necessary.

5. When the runner dehumidifier is running, make sure that the runner motor or the regeneration fan is not overloaded, otherwise the equipment will stop.

6. If the rotary dehumidifier cannot be used for a long time, especially at low temperatures, the water in the surface cooler must be drained, and compressed air equipment must be used to remove all the water. If necessary, ensure that the surface cooler does not freeze.

The above six points are all about the six links that should be paid attention to when using a rotary dehumidifier. Thank you for your understanding and support!